BIOANODE Kick-off Meeting in Trondheim with SINTEF Energy & NTNU

We had a kick-off meeting for our BIOANODE project (Conversion of BIOmass resource from forest industry into hard carbons as greener sodium ion battery ANODE) at NTNU in Trondheim on June 14, 2023. BIOANODE project (Conversion of BIOmass resource from forest industry into hard carbons as greener sodium ion battery ANODE, 341080) is a 3-year […]
TOPBIO: Turn Wood Waste into Biocarbon for Metallurgical Industries

TOPBIO project (Valorisation of wood waste into TOP quality BIOcarbon for sustainable metallurgical industries) is a 2.5-year regional innovation project funded by Regional Research funds (RFF) Vestfold og Telemark. WAI is the project owner with SINTEF Energy Research as the research partner and Eramet Norway as the end-user partner. TOPBIO project aims to develop and […]
BIOANODE: Convert Biomass to Hard Carbon as Sodium Ion Battery Anode

BIOANODE project (Conversion of BIOmass resource from forest industry into hard carbons as greener sodium ion battery ANODE, 341080) is a 3-year research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. WAI is the project owner and SINTEF Energy Research and Norwegian University of Science and Technology are our research partners. The overall objective of […]
47.23 MNOK ENOVA Grant for CarbonWorks®

ENOVA has awarded a grant of 47.23 million NOK to WAI Environmental Solutions, Tschudi Bio Company, and Bergene Holm for establishing the first large scale CarbonWorks® biocarbon production facility in Norway. The first CarbonWorks® plant will be located at the Bergene Holm sawmill at Haslestad, originally planned for the sawmill at Larvik. Once commissioned in […]
RenCARBio Project Meeting at WAI Environmental Solutions AS

On November 2, 2022, the third project status meeting for the RenCARBio project (NRC 326914-Biochar as a quality recycling product from organic waste fractions) was organized at WAI’s headquarter office in Tønsberg. Partners from Aquateam COWI, NORSUS, IVAR IKS, Norwegian Biochar Network and Biogass Oslofjord attended the meeting in person. Other partners from NMBU, The […]
SAC Project Partner Meeting at WAI Environmental Solutions AS

The latest partner meeting for the SAC project (332081 – Upscaling of Super Activated Carbone (SAC) from laboratory scale (500 g/batch)) to prototype scale (5-10 kg/batch) was held in WAI’s headquarter office in Tønsberg on June 2, 2022. Partners from Beyonder, NTNU, Tschudi Bio, and Bergene Holm attended the meeting along with WAI. It was […]
WAI’s SynolysCarbon in line with REPowerEU

The new geopolitical and energy market reality requires us to drastically accelerate the clean energy transition and increase Europe’s energy independence from unreliable suppliers and volatile fossil fuels. WAI’s SynolysCarbon technology is perfectly in line with REPowerEU, the Joint European action for more affordable, secure, and sustainable energy. On March 8, 2022, the European Commission […]
RenCARBio Project Turns Wastes into Biochar as Soil Improver

WAI Environmental Solutions AS participates the research project (RenCARBio), a 4-year project led by Aquateam COWI. The project has been granted 9 MNOK from the Research Council, and is collaborated with NMBU, NORSUS, IVAR IKS, Bergen Kommune, ARIM, Kalnes Jordbruksskole, Norsk Biokullnettverk, and WAI. RenCARBio project (“Biochar as a quality recycling product from organic waste […]
Turning Norwegian Sawdust into Super Activated Carbon for Batteries

Beyonder, WAI Environmental Solutions and Tschudi Bio Company have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly explore industrialization and develop full scale production of Super Activated Carbon. There is an increasing demand for environmentally sustainable battery technologies to replace the minerals used in current technologies. Beyonder’s battery technology is based on using Super Activated Carbon […]
Norsk sagflis blir til Super Aktivert Karbon for fremtidens batterier

Beyonder, WAI Environmental Solutions og Tschudi Bio Company har inngått ‘’Memorandum of Understanding’’ for samarbeide om å industrialisere og utvikle fullskala produksjon av Super Aktivert Karbon. Behovet og etterspørselen øker etter miljøvennlig bærekraftig batteriteknologi for å erstatte mineraler som brukes i dagens batteriteknologi. Beyonder’s batteriteknologi er basert på Super Aktivert Karbon (SAC) som produseres av […]