ENOVA has awarded a grant of 47.23 million NOK to WAI Environmental Solutions, Tschudi Bio Company, and Bergene Holm for establishing the first large scale CarbonWorks® biocarbon production facility in Norway.
The first CarbonWorks® plant will be located at the Bergene Holm sawmill at Haslestad, originally planned for the sawmill at Larvik. Once commissioned in 2024, the plant will be able to process 60,000 tons of sawmill by-products and demolition wood, and produce 9,000 tons of metallurgical quality biocarbon, 52 GWh thermal energy, and 7 GWh electricity annually.

Using biocarbon to replace fossil-carbon as a reducing agent is one of the most cost-efficient ways for decarbonizing emissions at the metallurgical industries (steel, ferrosilicon, silicon, aluminum, and manganese). The CarbonWorks® biocarbon can reduce emissions by 27,000 tons CO2 annually.

CarbonWorks Haslestad will be the first large scale facility to implement pyrolysis and ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) technologies for combined biocarbon, thermal- and electrical-energy production in Europe. CarbonWorks Haslestad AS is jointly owned by WAI Environmental Solutions AS, Tschudi Bio Company AS and Bergene Holm AS, and has been granted a 47.23 million NOK from ENOVA.

ENOVA is a state enterprise owned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Its task is to promote a shift towards more environmentally friendly energy consumption and production, as well as the development of energy and climate technology.
WAI Environmental Solutions AS, WAI, (www.waies.no) is a technology company with headquarter in Tønsberg, offering environmental solutions for pyrolysis treatment of organic materials. Industrial plants called CarbonWorks® produce metallurgical biocarbon and thermal- and electrical-energy. WAI is also involved in several R&D projects involving syngas and biogas technology enhancement, and development of advanced biocarbon products for energy storage.
Tschudi Bio Company AS, TBC, is part of Tschudi Shipping Company – a private shipping company in Norway, since 1883. TBC’s long-term aim is to combine new green technology with well-known marine solutions that can offer the world as a marketplace and where access to stranded assets can give potential for super profit.
Bergene Holm AS, BHAS, is the second largest sawmill company in Norway with 450 employees and a revenue of more than 2,2 billion NOK. BHAS is operating 7 sawmills and other companies in southern Norway and have more than 70 years of experience in the Norwegian wood industry.