SynoProtein® Products

SynoProtein® product, innovative single-cell protein, is a high-quality and sustainable protein to meet the increasing feed demand for aquaculture, pets, and livestock.

Our SynoProtein® products’ features (nutritional, sustainable, and scalable):
- Non-GMO
- High crude protein content
- Best Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) value
- From sustainable, abundant and cheap feedstock
- High crude protein content
- No need for light, pesticides, or arable land
- Fast and scalable production
SynoProtein® is developed under a development program funded by Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU) scheme under the Grant Agreement 101112345.
WAI is coordinating a 11-member consortium to assemble the entire value chain from forest residues to feed:
Industrial partners: Bergene Holm, Skretting, WAI; Research partners: DTU, HB, SINTEF Industry, SINTEF Energy Research, NOFIMA, RISE, Norsus and Dechema.
We have developed an innovative carbon-negative process for the conversion of forest residue to single-cell protein as aquafeed and other feed ingredient through carbon capture and use (CCU).

The SynoProtein® products can be alternative sustainable protein sources to meet an increasing demand.